Tony Snell having autism
Today we are going to talk about Tony Snell having autism at age 31. Tony played in the NBA for 10 years without
knowing he had autism. The only reason he knew he had autism is because of his son. His son had some problems
so when they found out that his son had autism that made him get tested and that’s when he got the news.
A problem that Tony’s son had was that he wasn’t talking. Tony wasn’t surprised when he was diagnosed because he
said he always felt different. He never could connect with people on a high level or anything. When he found out
that he had autism it was a relief he even said this why I am the way I am. This made his life make sense.
This is an inspiration to kids that don’t feel like they can fit in society and they feel like something is wrong.
This story should give you confidence to get tested.This story should also show you that anything is possible.
This man had autism and still produced at a high level in the NBA for 10 years. That's incredible. I think he's
definitely going to change lives. I'm glad he came out with a condition. He also partnered with the special
olympic to get his message out. Be grateful for everything because you don’t know what somebody is going through
mentally and physically. If nothing is wrong with you mentally or physically this should push you a little harder
because if he can do you can too.
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