How to play basketball


Today we are going to talk about how to play basketball.

Step 1 is get access to a basketball and a goal if you are over the age of 12 you should be using a 29.5 basketball but if you are 12 under you would use a 28.5. For girls basketball you need the same thing but you will always use the lighter ball and that’s the 28.5.

Step 2 The first thing I recommend you do is to learn the rules of what to do on the basketball court and not what to do.

. Never take more than two steps after picking the ball up because if you do it’s a travel 

. If you dribble the ball and pick it up then dribble again that is called a double dribble and that is illegal in basketball.

. The offense has five seconds to inbound the ball. 

Step 3 The second thing I would recommend is to learn how to dribble and I will give you drills to do to learn how to dribble. The first drill I will tell you is right hand dribbling so you going to use your right hand and bound the ball and the same thing on the left hand and the last thing I’m going to tell you to do with dribbling is get two balls and dribble them at the same time and when you get that done try to alternate dribble with two balls and keep doing that until you master it. Also you dribble with your finger tips not your palm. 

Step 4 is layups and layups are the easiest you dribble to the basket with ball in your right hand and then step with your right foot then jump off your left and shoot the layup with your right hand and aim for the backboard and for the left hand dribble with your left hand then step with your left foot and jump off your right and aim for the backboard again and keep practicing this till your comfortable with both hands.

Step 5 is shooting so I’m going to teach you how to shoot. So you should have one had on the top of the ball and one the side or under the ball and keep you feet shoulder length apart and shoot but how you can master your shooting is by form shooting and form shooting is just you standing in front of the the goal and shooting and then you can move farther and farther back after make 20 shots from each spot.


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